Why are you stuck on copyright infringement here? Yes, I mention it but that is not the main thrust. Tell me, what human right is more important than making enough money to survive? Doesn't that come before anything else? Tell me, is it less problematic when white creatives are exploited than blacks? Go check into the animation field, primarily white and still stuck dealing with close to slave wages and working conditions that force many into mental breakdowns, chronic illness and disability. Sure, they can all quit, but the industry doesn't give a fuck as they will just find someone else. They've done that for years now and even with the threat of a walk out the industry is barely changing at all.
Expressing your humanity and being able to make a living at it is vital for all creatives, no matter what color and if you want to try to state that creatives who want to and deserve to be treated like human beings, no matter what the color of their skin is is somehow less important than racism I'll just have to utterly disagree with that statement.
Exploitation is exploitation, it's not a competition here.