White Straight Conservatives, You’re Not Being Oppressed. You’re Being Challenged.

Kat Loveland
5 min readAug 2, 2022


That uncertainty, fear, and confusion you feel? That’s just a taste of what anyone not like you has dealt with for centuries. Not fun is it?

Photo by Foad Roshan on Unsplash — I picked this image because it challenges the viewer in so many ways.

I am not sure how many more “Wars On Christmases” I can survive. How can we live surrounded by the smoking remnants of a holiday that has been so utterly destroyed…wait, sorry, oh, it’s still going to say Christmas on most of the cards and the churches haven’t been turned into piles of rubble? Oh. Well, um…hmm.

As a former retail worker, I can assure you that no one on this planet has more right to hate Christmas than retail workers do. Yet at no point have we ever launched Santa-themed slings filled with glass ornaments, sleigh-based missiles, or tirades of tinsel-laced tantrums about having to hear “Santa Claus Is Coming to Town” played on repeat for close to three months.

We never spewed hours-long rants on talk radio about how putting Christmas decorations up for sale on the first day of November garnered us hundreds of angry glares from parents as their children shrieked in excitement, screaming “Mommy! Mommy! Santa’s coming soon! Look!” Nope. We just shouldered on. If anyone has a reason to declare a War on Christmas it’s retail workers.

Yet let people simply request that “Hey, can we like, say Happy Holidays since, you know, there are lots of holidays that happen around this time of year” and “Christians” have conniption fits.

Tell me, dear Straight Conservatives, when was the last time you saw a story about any LGBTQ person driving hours to go into a church and unload an AR-15 into the congregation? Hmmm? Never.

When was the last time you heard of minorities trying to push laws stating that white people can’t attend schools in minority areas? Never? Thought so.

As a matter of fact, the only thing these groups are doing is finally refusing to be oppressed, overlooked, shamed, and scorned. This is why you white conservative types are feeling so confused. You’re used to never being challenged on anything and you can’t handle people demanding that you acknowledge they are different than you.

Feeling “victimized” by someone asking you to use their pronouns? How, exactly does that make you a victim? Is the pronoun somehow punching you? You know, like homophobes have been doing to gay folks for centuries?

Haven’t you ever requested someone call you by a name other than the one that is on your birth certificate? How many Richards are going by Dick, Rich, Richie, Rick? Do any of you hate your first name so use your middle name? How about the ladies? Any Katherine’s going by Katie, Kat, Cathy, Cate? Or how about when you legally changed your last name because you got married?

Have you ever felt awkward when you saw someone’s full name on their job application and then found out they go by something different? Did that somehow make you feel oppressed when they told you their chosen name or did you just say “Oh, I’m sorry,” and then proceed to use the name they requested? That’s basically all using a different pronoun is. I am sure you’ve made accommodations for nicknames all your life.

I know what some of it is when someone is trans and maybe presents more male than female but they want to use female pronouns or vice versa. Yes, it’s a little confusing but you know what you do? You say “Okay, got it.” Make a note, comply with their request and move on. It in no way affects your daily life at all.

Feeling “attacked” by seeing LGBTQ or diverse races in entertainment? Feeling “the gay agenda being forced down your throat?” because there are two people of the same gender kissing. Interesting, so, straight men who love lesbian porn, and you straight women who love gay porn and writing endless genderfluid/slash fanfics, that is a totally acceptable thing for you to engage in private but seeing it in a more “public” setting is problematic for you?

Heavens to Betsy, two girls kissed or two guys kissed. Yes, how traumatizing that you had to watch that. Nearly as traumatizing as when gay men and lesbians were forced to take drugs to “reduce their sex drive” or were basically tortured to try to make them feel repulsed when looking at men or women they found attractive by going through electroshock “conversion” treatments. I have some articles to read about it if you’re not familiar with it.

Article 1

Article 2

Article 3

I can totally empathize with how traumatic a 30-second scene or reference to gay love is destroying your life and permanently affecting your sense of self-worth.

Here’s the bottom line. No LGBTQ or racial minority wants to force you to NOT be straight, to prevent you from going to church, relocate you to certain areas, restrict your ability to get a job or buy a house, or stop you from marrying and having a whole soccer team’s worth of children if that’s what you want to do. That’s what YOU have been doing to them for centuries and THAT’S OPPRESSION.

What they want is simply the right to exist, to be represented in the world around them, and they’re refusing to back down and be bullied by you anymore. They’re not OPPRESSING YOU, they’re CHALLENGING YOUR WORLD VIEW and you don’t like it.

Learn the difference, I know that being challenged by the people you have oppressed feels like oppression to you, but it’s not. It’s asking you to grow up and let people live their own damn lives the way they want. It’s simply having respect for everyone out there and not making every single thing be about you.

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Kat Loveland
Kat Loveland

Written by Kat Loveland

The only consistency in this author’s wheelhouse is mindfuckery. Writer, editor, blogger. Books here https://www.amazon.com/Kat-Loveland/e/B00IRRAMWO/re

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