Whenever I read article like this I wonder why it strikes people as weird that there are people that don't want to start conversations with complete strangers. I never do that unless I am at work where people come see me for a specific purpose. Reason being I have little to no interest in finding out my neighbors' life stories, no desire to end up getting stuck with the one chatty busybody neighbor or encouraging people I may not want to interact with once I get to know them to come knock on my door and bother me.
I like picking and choosing my interactions. I am never rude to people but have had a few situations where I tried to get to know a neighbor and it ended up creepy and awkward.
Why is there this assumption that it is somehow a sign of "bad raising" when you don't talk to people you don't know. How many decades were we told not to talk to strangers? So weird that people find it somehow offensive to not have strangers talk to them. Lol