We Did Not Get Here Overnight. You want to fix it? Vote.
“Why won’t Pelosi start impeachement hearings?”
“Dems are lazy cowards!”
“What do we do to fix this?”
I see this constantly on social media, and I have to shake my head and wonder where the hell these people have been for the last 30 years. This country has yet to have a single election where over 50% of the electorate actually voted. You want to know what we do to fix things? Show up and vote. Run for local office, support local candidates. Do your damn job as a citizen. Protesting won’t solve these issues. Why? Because the politicians don’t view their job as one where they are supposed to actually care about the citizens. They are not afraid to lose their jobs because they have gerrymandered the crap out of their districts.
They know that 50% or so of us are too damn apathetic to actually show up to vote. They know most of us do not pay attention, do not research and do not want to be bothered.
The GOP had a plan, start locally, win elections, appoint all the bureaucrats and small cogs in the big wheel of goverment. When you get enough small cogs, they gain control, they can change things, affect things and slowly consolidate control. It took them a few decades, but look at where we are.
We have one party rule. Senate, DOJ and Executive, and much of the judicial, are run by one side. Which is not how this is supposed to be. When either political party puts winning above ethics, morals and the country, then they slowly become a party that cares about control and nothing else.
We got here because 40 or so percent of the country has no ethical or moral problem with kids being crammed together in conditions that are worse than are allowed by Geneva Conventions for POW treatment. We got here because Dem voters are consistenly too damn lazy to pay attention for more than two years at a time. We got here because no one bothered to pay attention to the bigger picture. That’s how we got here. We got here because we, as a nation, cannot agree on simple moral standards of behavior. Clinton gets impeached for lying about a blow job, yet no Republican gives a shit about 16 rape accusations against Trump. “All life is sacred!!” Unless you’re an immigrant kid who’s seeking asylum.
Until we as a country can get our act together and decide what moral code we will follow, we will go nowhere. We will simply stay stuck in this battleground mentality where it’s more important that your side wins than it is to solve problems.
So yell at Sen. Pelosi all you want, but she literally cannot do a damn thing right now. The Dems have had to pull teeth just to get the hearings they have, their subpoenas are being ignored. People say “Send the cops!!” When the head of the DOJ is literally telling people not to show up, do you seriously not think that anyone arrested for ignoring a subpoena right now will actually stay in jail?
Not to mention, you don’t even have a majority of Dems who think we should impeach. Sinema, my own Dem Senator is against it. (Not that she’s hard core Dem but she was the only choice we had) You have no GOP support and any impeachment attempt in Senate will sit on McConnell’s desk for eternity.