There was a post just made about how a Publication with 2 million views in a month just quit, it was a history one.
I find it interesting that you're saying a pub putting out too many posts is not worth following. There are several pubs that have quit lately which I find intriguing. The concept of publications is to help people find new writers in a less chaotic fashion, if a pub is putting out new writers and good content that I am not seeing why people should unfollow them to in some way make their feeds less crowded.
You're also directly stating that it is a scam to follow others to get them to follow you back. In a blog with literally thousands of posts a day it would take quite awhile to gather 100 followers, therefore longer to get money. Now I don't do follow for follow but I do go through and follow people every day, and a lot of them follow me back, unasked. I views it as a way to say "Hi, knock knock, I'm here. take a look." I would most likely not be following all these people that do write interesting things if I was just scrolling through an algorithm designed feed.
We're here to make money, while you're trying to accomodate power readers it seems like you're also attacking the ways writers are trying to efficiently make money. Pubs get you views, writers like larger pubs because they have a much higher chance to be seen, following others to get follows in return instead of hoping the winds of fate will favor you today is also how we get views and therefore money.
Instead of attacking writers, perhaps listen to what we're saying. Without us, readers would have nothing to read and you would not have members paying your salary.
Also the fact that you changed features that weren't broken instead of focusing on the lagging stats issues people have been complaining about for several days at least now is a little weird. The UI isn't an issue here, our stats are.