The rules of grammar are important. I have edited stories with nonbinary characters and there are times I have pointed out that the phrasing is confusing. Many people are English Second or Third Language readers and English is a helluva a hard ass language to learn and make sense of as it is. If you come from a language that is very gendered and you're now trying to make sense of English and then on top of that being expected to track gender neutral pronouns it's a lot of demands to be placed on someone who is reading a story or article.
It is not bigotted to point out that even within the LGBTQ+ community there are constant arguments and changes on how people want to be called. If the rest of us are not sticking with up to the moment what works now and then get attacked for being "transphobic" when really we're just confused as hell it backfires, and quick.
Most of the world is not actively involved in the minute by minute changes of language and pronouns, sorry.