Sure, yes, it would be wonderful if we could reduce all of this to "Make it like this", but progress is incremental and quite often Democrats have to redo all the crap they did before because as soon as GOP take over they trash the country. So where do you want to start the process of grading from?
In a whole slew of areas we've gotten dragged back 30-40 years thanks to Trump etc. so do you base it off where we were 40 years ago? Twenty? Last week?
Chris Evans (yes Cap America) and his friend put together A Starting Point which has Bite Sized Updates and such and conversations from both sides. Maybe that will help. The thing is that all of these discussions and such already happen all over the internet anyway.
You can't reduce all of this into simple scores and plenty of people already have stakes and goals. But once again, in general, liberals refuse to support the massive amount of effort it would take to do what you want. Trust me, I have seen it fail repeatedly. It is pretty obvious when we are backsliding...just look around.