Social media doesn't keep you from reading what you want. You can simply click away, go to google and research to your hearts' content, you can go to a library, a bookstore or where ever and do what you want. No one is holding tying you in a chair and making you look at instagram.
If you want kids, go for it, you want a man to take the lead? Go for it. What people are sick of is everyone expecting all women to want that, of the centuries long cultural expectations that women should breed, shut up and sit in a corner and be happy.
The concept is this, do what you want, but don't shove your expectations on others, no matter what side of the fence you're on. But if you want to be a conservative and continually vote for politicians who are blatant sexual assaulters, liars and who want to strip women of their bodily autonomy, yes you will be called out. You know why? No one is forcing you to have an abortion but conservatives damn well want to force people to have kids.
Playing the victim if you get called out for supporting the concept that women should not have the right to choose what they want isn't about your freedom to have an opinion, it's about you forcing the rest of us to live the way you want. If you don't like it when you felt social media and people were doing it to you, then expect pushback if you do it to others.