Oh and here's the official Texas GOP platform saying gay is an "abnormal lifestyle" "Texas GOP platform embraces far-right and anti-gay rhetoric : NPR" https://www.npr.org/2022/06/24/1107244492/texas-gop-platform-embraces-far-right-and-anti-gay-rhetoric
Hmmm what do bigots love to attack and kill? Abnormal people.
A whole ton of GOP voting against federal protections of Same Sex marriages
Oh and GOP legislatures wanting to remove language stating that gays and trans kids should have protections from being bullied. "Iowa GOP Lawmakers Publicly Endorse Anti-LGBT Bullying in Schools | GLSEN" https://www.glsen.org/blog/iowa-gop-lawmakers-publicly-endorse-anti-lgbt-bullying-schools
Do you need more or do you see the point yet?