My motive to write is to tell the stories I want and find an audience for them. I have sent my story to several beta readers, as well as friends and editors, and I have had several people purchase it, they all loved it. Not everyone will like it, nor do I have to make it appeal to everyone. I tell stories both for me and for others who will find joy in them.
People like this who have left me reviews.
"Bonnie Bradbury - Goodreads GiveAway Winner
"I absolutely loved this book. The story is compelling, the characters are well written, and there is a certain realism to the way the story feels despite the characters supernatural skills. Its like looking into another world not to different from our own. I found myself wanting class to be over and I was up at night so I could read more. Something I can't say for the more popular books I've read. i would recommend this book to anyone that enjoys sci-fi or fantasy writing. I'm looking at you Divergent readers. If you liked that you're gonna love this."
Sandy - Comic Book Lover and Genre Fan
The Story line is a woven tapestry of science fiction, fantasy, coming of age, paranormal and urban adventure. You will love the support each team member gives the others as they struggle with old hurts and injuries moving toward not only being a better team member but also a happier person.
You will also love the action and fight scenes as they have the feel of reality flowing from move to move and view to view. This is a story of what it means to be friends that really have each others backs.
Word2Go - Blogger
"I was riveted; a new and different storyline. I was caught up in the emotions and feelings of the characters. Kat Loveland has written an incredible story by painting a visible picture of the action. She has a flair with words. AND this is only book #1. I am holding my breath until I can read the next installment. Be ready to stay up all night to finish it. I felt I like I was in the story; my heart was racing; lots of action. Kudos to you, Kat, a great read."
Review from Molly - Teacher:
I highly recommend this book!
I was drawn to Honor Bound because of my background as a teacher of gifted students. I've found that these students are often interested in stories of individuals with special abilities. This series is written in such a way that I think it will speak to anyone who feels him/herself to be somehow "different." The daughter worries that she will be rejected by friends, family, and the whole world. This is something that a lot of young people struggle with, especially if they have some quality that sets them apart from their peers (such as being gifted).
This is a book that I wish had been around when I was coming through middle school, as I think it contains some great values and lessons that would have been helpful to me. I would absolutely add this book to my library for gifted students, and students who experience Asperger's syndrome. One of the characters has anger control issues and the author again writes sensitively, providing some great strategies for reigning in powerful emotions.
The book is a fun read, with lots of action and espionage, and some wonderfully subtle life lessons."
I don't write to make everyone happy, I write to make myself happy and find others who want to play if my little worlds with me.
And none of this actually has to do with serialization on Medium, the actual topic of your blog post. If you want to write to make money doing serial stuff, feel free to join Wattpad or Royal Road and write there. No one is stopping you.