Liberal Voters Don’t Deserve The Democrats
Let’s try something new and be proud of our party for once
Everyone is running around trying to figure out a “NEW WAY TO RUN ELECTIONS!!!” and you know what we haven’t tried? Unabashedly being loud and proud about what our party does. MAGA and GOP are proud AF to be MAGA…they wrap their trucks with that shit, they see it as a religion and you know what…they KEEP WINNING.
Why? Because again and again and again liberals go after and destroy their own candidates, they refuse to publicly praise them which results in the party being seen in a more and more negative light by everyone. Are you going to root for a team that hates itself? No.
AOC lost her bid for a top committee spot and everyone is doing the usual “Oh Dems hate younger ppl!!!” Crap. Yet when you point out the whole DNC leadership and the majority of Biden’s cabinet is young and diverse they dismiss it with “Well, all those people are just owned by the old white people secretly in power anyway..” REALLY?? REALLY?? Anyone consider that the reason AOC lost was because she started attacking her fellow Dems like the CBC from the get go?
But no, it has to be because the party is failing to see that they need young leaders and Pelosi is some evil witch who hates anyone not white. Weird how that same Pelosi is the one who mentored and backed Hakeem Jeffries as Speaker of the House, funny how quickly we forget that.
Liberal voters have the memories of goldfish when it comes to progress but will hold grudges for decades it seems.
People are demanding Biden do tons of things in his last month to put up guardrails on Trump. Oh, I am sorry….you’re now demanding that the man that the voters in this country failed to give any credit to for any of his massive legislative wins, or even the small ones that affect the daily lives of voters should come to the rescue and save us AFTER WE COULDN’T BE BOTHERED TO KEEP A GODDAMN FELON OUT OF OFFICE???
Why the fuck should he? His approval ratings among Dems sucked even after all that he did, his own party demanded he step down, which he did, and then they still weren’t happy with Harris running. Yet those same voters are pissed the fuck off that he won’t do shit now. Well too fucking bad.
I could list all of Biden’s accomplishments but it won’t matter. It never does because Democrats hate their own party so deeply that they will rip it to shreds again and again. The GOP don’t have to do a damn thing to attract voters, we drive people right to them.
I see people calling Dems weak, yet those same Dems stood up for Trans people and lost elections due to that, those same Dems spend day after day staring in the faces of the GOP assholes that were fine with the J6 attacks. Those same Dems fight against corporate America day in and out, they have been fighting against monopolies for decades.
YET NONE OF THE DEM VOTERS EVER SEEM TO CARE ABOUT ANY OF IT. Trump spews literal word salad and GOP voters praise him to high heaven.
So maybe, just maybe…if we want to win elections we should start being proud of the party that cares and has empathy instead of just demanding ridiculous levels of purity and perfection.