It's funny to me that I keep seeing "humans are social creatures and need connection" all the while ignoring the fact that it's becoming increasingly obvious that when plenty of humans are given an option to "socialize" they choose to stay home.
I think a lot of the "humans are social animals" is another way that things like religion use to control people and convince them to be part of the church aka give the church money.
Why do religious people make assumptions that churches are the only way to build community? Ever been to a comic con, a sports event etc? Community can be found tons of places and you admit that the LDS straight up lied to you about what you believe to be a tenet of your faith so why do you think it is a good place for your kids?
Just let them develop interests and they will find friends.
Religion is just another way to manipulate people, why religious people somehow think it is superior is beyond me. If you want to believe in it go for it, but don't force your kids into something just because you do it.