I am not sure if you read the article that was linked in the post. https://medium.com/illumination/pronouns-people-can-refer-to-themselves-however-theyd-like-2618e10e2c1e
Someone was offended when the author made the comment "Hey, you guys want to go do this?" The author was not aware of the preferred pronouns nor were they even aware that using "they" as a pronoun was a thing. This is the issue I see happening. A person who is unaware of someone's preferred pronouns makes a perfectly acceptable statement, you "guys" want to do something. Then someone gets offended and attacks. The term guys, dudes, hell I have even used dudettes, etc is now becoming considered somehow on the same level as racist statements which is a bit much and people are getting called transphobic because of it.
People should not have pronoun anxiety especially in a group out for fun setting.