Here, let me shove those goal posts back for you. The article that you were commenting on is about God's ability or not ability to affect things around him. Nowhere in any of my comments did I make any illusion to the fact that the majority of rape case were done by priests. My comment was strictly to point out that in what should be a clear-cut case for divine intervention to protect the innocence of a child God fails to show up.
Now, if you want to include all rapes across the country and or world let's start here. If we're going to stay on the line of religiousness, which since this article is about let's stay on topic. Christianity is one of the top three religions in world, which means, I can guarantee you, that there are literally millions of women and men who are getting raped probably every moment of the day who are most likely praying for their abuse to stop. Rape is considered a pretty big sin, are we seeing millions of rapists go up in flames? Nope.
Now, you know what we have seen for literally centuries? The use of religion to justify rape and abuse, churches and religious groups like the Boy Scouts for example consistently covering up child sexual assault and the denigration of women and turning them into breeding stock.
So, while yes, it would be absolutely wonderful if we could all get together and increase security to stop rapists it turns out one of the biggest ways to do that is holding rapists fucking accountable, calling them out and sending them to jail. Which, the church, which is supposed to be all in and fighting sin should be on top of. Are they? Nope. Neither is God.
And one final note. The reason Christianity does so well in areas where there is more economic, cultural and political strife is because it is easy for religions to say "Yes, your life right now is hell, but pray, give us money, serve us and you'll get rewarded in the afterlife." You know what that also is? A tactic abusers use to keep their victims in line. "Do all the things I want you to do and I'll give you a present, I'll give you a good life, the pain will stop if you just listen to me." Interesting, isn't it.
If you want to continue this discussion I will be happy to write a blog on my own page so you can attempt to "school" me as you stated earlier, but I am not going to clutter up Jason's article with more replies.