Fascists in Italy and Neo-Nazis in Sweden: All That Was Old and Horrible is New and Horrible, Again (sigh)

Kat Loveland
4 min readSep 26, 2022


Hasn’t even been 100 years since the end of WW2, we couldn’t even make it that long without going right back to where we were.

We got so damn close to doing better…now look where we are.

You know, as much as people say “Humans evolve and learn” I am really starting to doubt that whole premise.

Neo-Facists have taken power, sort of, in Italy..

The Brothers of Italy party, which won the most votes in Italy’s national election, has its roots in the post-World War II neo-fascist Italian Social Movement.

Keeping the movement’s most potent symbol, the tricolor flame, Giorgia Meloni has taken Brothers of Italy from a fringe far-right group to Italy’s biggest party.

A century after Benito Mussolini’s 1922 March on Rome, which brought the fascist dictator to power, Meloni is poised to lead Italy’s first far-right-led government since World War II and Italy’s first woman premier.

When I say sort of I mean that Italian politics are, shall we say, fluid, at the best of times. They tend to flip governments every two years or so and like most countries in Europe they have multiple parties that have to build coalitions to make any progress or gain power.

All that aside…they voted for Fascists. Or should I say, the paltry amount of the population that turned out to vote voted for facists (sound familiar?) Only about 51% of the population voted and the winning group emphasizes “God, fatherland and family,” (like come on people, it’s right there!) is against gay marriage, for the “nuclear family,” wants to take a hard line on immigration and is supposedly talking about self-sufficiency re: energy generation.

The Italians are “fatigued” and “want change” so they both failed to show up and then voted for the exact opposite of what they had, even though those people are blatantly advertising that they are cut from the same cloth as the people who plunged Europe into a devastating war. Yeah, that makes total sense.

Sweden, who I had more hope for, is on the same path.

Final results showed that the right bloc won 49.6% of votes, while the left bloc led by the Social Democrats secured 48.9%. The small edge is expected to translate into a two- or three-seat majority for the right.

While the Sweden Democrats won the most votes among the four right parties, it is not considered likely to lead the next government alone. Observers believe that the center-right coalition of Moderates, Christian Democrats, and Liberals will have a chance at forming government. All of those parties claim they will not allow any SD members of parliament to sit in the cabinet.

The SD was founded in the 1980s by neo-Nazis and violent far-right extremists, and while it has said it has “moved to the mainstream” in recent years, public and parliamentary concerns remain on their views.

The party is stringently anti-immigrant and says its mission is the defense of Swedish “traditions and culture.” It has signaled that Muslim immigrants and others can never become Swedish.

And there it is again, playing on immigrant hate to gin up votes using fear and bullying tactics

Reporters Without Borders (RSF) has warned of potential physical and political attacks after the SD blocked access of journalists to their election night party, including those from BBC World and left-leaning publications.

SD chief of staff Linus Bylund also threatened to play “journalist rugby,” meaning he plans to push reporters around, once in power.

In an interview in September, Bylund threatened that “now we will do the opposite [of dancing to journalists’ tune] and we will decide when we want to speak to the media about different things.”

Tuesday evening, the head of the Swedish Committee Against Anti-Semitism gave an interview to the country’s main public television news magazine in which he expressed concern that the election outcome could embolden racists and accused the SD of being ambiguous on the question of whether or not Jews are Swedes.

It’s very, very, very apparent that all these people are following the same playbook, because it works.

It works over and over again because for some GODDAMN reason WHITE PEOPLE CANNOT LEARN TO GET OVER THEMSELVES!

I can’t even blame the politicians pushing this shit anymore, and I can’t blame low education or misinformation because Sweden and Italy don’t seem to have an equivalent for Fox News Watching Zombies…no…it’s racism and fear pure and simple.

I have really given up on white people getting their heads out of their asses any time soon, I really have. We can say “Oh Gen Z will save us”, “Oh we just need to older population to die off” but look at the ages of the people who just won these elections. They’re in their 40s, not 80s and they buy into this same crap because they hate people who don’t look like them and don’t act like they do.

That’s it.

It’s not about “How did we get here??” Anymore, it’s WHY THE HELL HAVEN’T WE EVER LEFT HERE?

It’s disgusting and truly an indictment of the fact that a large percentage of white people’s brains seem to be wired to just flip to hate on a goddamn dime.




Kat Loveland
Kat Loveland

Written by Kat Loveland

The only consistency in this author’s wheelhouse is mindfuckery. Writer, editor, blogger. Books here https://www.amazon.com/Kat-Loveland/e/B00IRRAMWO/re

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