Can you stop saying that Dems need to work on messaging? Beto has done amazing messaging every single time he's run for election. He has literally traveled to every county in Texas every single time he's run for election, don't come out and say that Beto's messaging is the fucking problem here. He's literally running himself ragged to try to reach every single person in that state.
It's the fucking idiots in Texas who don't want to wake up, it's not Beto's fault. God am I sick and tired of that bullshit. If ppl can't see the reality in front of their faces that is on them.
As far as the most recent polls, unfortunately, as of the first week of August Abbott is still 7 points ahead of Beto, and 44% of women in Texas are still willing to vote for Abbott. Maybe blame Democrats less and blame the people of fucking Texas more.
Whites are still majority Abbott, there's only an 8 pt spread pro Beto among Hispanics. It's only blacks that are coming out strong for Beto. And while yaay it's great Mom's are finally fed up where the fuck were they last time Beto ran? Still too comfortable to give an actual shit about not running the state into the ground apparently.
Here's my diary on the poll see for yourself