Because we're fucking exhausted from dealing with right wing idiots, MAGA morons, anti vaxxers, science deniers, bigots, homophobes and racists.
And yes, plenty of GOP folks want to kill or torture LGBTQ ppl, go look up hate crimes directed towards the gay community, conversion therapy and then there's the whole wanting to strip LGBTQs of their rights.
Just because you claim you don't know these people doesn't mean they don't exist and have a great deal of power within the conservative movement.
Liberals have grown tired of trying to educate and find an ounce of empathy from right wing conservatives who happily keep voting for the same pricks that are backing a literal coup attempt so we block them so we can lower our blood pressure and not waste hours sending links you will never read because conservatives hate facts.
Just to add one more point to this, over the years I've noticed that conservatives have a habit of pushing goal posts farther and farther and farther to justify their supposedly not being a source of pretty much all the major problems in the country right now. They'll pull this crap that since it's either not happening to them, or because they don't know anybody personally who's a racist or a bigot, or because something that liberals have passed to provide benefits isn't benefiting them specifically then it's not factually correct. Then they'll pull this victim complex that they're being oppressed in some way because liberals are basically telling them over and over and providing factual documentation showing that what the conservative is saying is wrong. Guess what, just because you don't know anybody that's committing a hate crime doesn't mean conservatives aren't committing hate crimes all over the f****** country. And it's entirely possible that the person you were talking to is someone who had been the victim of a hate crime or racism or bigotry and maybe she's a bit emotional about it because she's tired of being treated like a second class citizen. Ever consider that? Or were you too busy trying to prove that just because you don't know any of these people doesn't mean it's not possible that conservatives are committing hate crimes and want to murder gays. Maybe you should learn some history instead of assuming that a liberal is incorrect.