And I am not disagreeing that Twitter gives people more reach, I guess the issue I see overall is that it would be just as easy for, say, some right wing asshole to buy twitter and shut down all liberals if they wanted.
There is a slippery slope here and as much as I want all these people deplatformed there are some very complex issues with just kicking off everyone who are spewing lies.
People responding to lies with violence is more the fault of the people than the lies and since twitter is a private platform it could very easily shift to where "All the crap liberals are saying are lies so let's get rid of them."
The pendulums are constantly shifting, if humanity can't fix itself I am not sure I want to demand private companies exercise decision making on what gets posted unless it is very evidently violent threats. CNN and Politico just got bought out my right wing people...they could start banning liberal comments from their replies just as easily as twitter could shut down right wing lies.